Tip: follow Biotech Talent Unlocked on LinkedIn now

Biotech Talent Unlocked, a German-Dutch project in which the BIO Cooperative participates, aims to ensure that there is sufficient appropriately skilled talent for the circular and bio-based economy in the Eems Dollard Region (EDR) now and in the future. In collaboration with educational institutions and companies, the project strives to address the urgent need for qualified professionals at various levels within biotechnical and related fields. This project now also has its own page on LinkedIn.

On this LinkedIn page, the project partners share the latest news about this project, such as the launch of The Green Business Challenge, Biobased 2024 edition. You can also read more about the project on our own website.

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Register now for the Compact MBA Fall 2024!

Join the Compact MBA, the course that provides you with a solid introduction to the world of Business Administration. This training in the fall of 2024 is specifically designed for members of the BIO Cooperative and the LIFE Cooperative, so seize the opportunity now!